Thursday, December 20, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 20: Cookies

Still letting the icing set, so don't mind the sprinkley mess.

Tryce loved helping eat decorate cookies!

25 Days of Christmas - Days 18 & 19

Day 19 - Christmas lights.

I didn't take any pictures for Day 19, but we went and looked at Christmas lights!  It was a lot of fun!  the wee one slept the whole time, and the bigger one was impressed for a lot longer than I thought he would be.  We listened to Christmas music and chatted (my aunt was down to visit and came along too!)... made me nostalgic for my childhood, and I'm so happy to be starting these traditions with my own kiddos.

Day 20 - 1st Christmas party

The first Christmas party of the year, and Aubree's first Christmas party ever.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Days 16 & 17

Sorry I've been inconsistent lately. I've been out of town, and pretty busy getting ready for the holidays. And had a horrible headache (migraine?) all day (I've never had a migraine so I'm not sure, but an all day, throbbing, have to cover my eyes or the lights will make me hurl-type headache seems to lean in that direction).

Anyway, days 16 and 17 are the same theme.. The love my babies have for each other. It seriously makes my heart melt. Tryce has done surprisingly well with the baby since the day we brought her home. He loves "holding" her (under extremely close supervision), and has started this absent-minded hand holding that is the sweetest thing in the world. And I swear she has this little grin that she saves just for him.

So.. Day 16: watching some Yo Gabba while loving his sister (he would get mad if I picked her up, and say "Hold her baby! Hold her baby!)

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Day 17: Tryce loving on and talking "baby talk" to Aubree.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, December 15, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 15

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..

Actually, it's not. Not even close.

So, my hair decided to have a Christmas party...

25 Days of Christmas - Days 13&14.

I missed the last two days. Oops. We didn't really do anything but hang out at home anyway. So here's an adorable picture:
(Day 13)
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All tuckered out after watching Yo Gabba Gabba Very Awesome Christmas 643678 times. "Moooore Santaaa!" (So this IS a Christmas picture after all. Sort of.)

(Day 14)
Finally got our stockings!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012